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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Occupy What?!?

What does that even mean? I have seen what is going on in downtown Boston. Large rallies, tons of signs and angry, angry people. But what is it that they really want? Like I am 100% sure . . .er. . . 99% (I hear that is their favorite number) sure that no one can explain exactly what these protestors want. You can't just take out corporations, which supply just about everything we own. Right?

Well it turns out they want more than just the cleansing of Wall St. and the corporations. They want a voice. America was built on a democracy of the people. The citizens are supposed to be the ones making the decisions for the best of the country and right now it seems as if this so called 1% have not only a majority of our countries money, but a louder voice than the 99% and that is just not fair. Yes, some people work harder than others and deserve a larger paycheck. But that doesn't entitle them to make our countries important decisions and sway lobbyists simply because of their job title. At least that is what I think. But I have no more power than you. Read the paper. Talk to people, and most importantly formulate your own opinion on the matter. Because your ideas just as important as mine.

However, I recommend you start off by listening to one of my Columbus Day podcasts, courtesy of NPR.

Visit their website: http://www.npr.org
Twitter: @nprnews
Itunes: Planet Money Podcast

We have people speak and come to a agreement. That is what we want in socirty

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